Sustainability and development


The Monte Castello company has been working for years with full and strict respect for the environment and biodiversity. Precisely because our raw materials are the fruits that the earth gives us, we are grateful to it and consider it fundamental to care for and respect it every day, even with simple daily gestures.

The attention we pay is not only limited to the environment and nature around us, but is also expressed in a proactive attitude towards the social development of the community.

Indeed, our company has fully embraced the principles of sustainable development set out by the United Nations, which aim to achieve 17 macro-objectives in the economic, social and ecological fields by 2030.

The challenge that Monte Castello has undertaken is to always identify new objectives in terms of sustainable development and to achieve them, where these have not yet been consolidated in the company, seeking to improve every day and to contribute to the positive maintenance of our Earth.

The growing sensitivity towards issues related to food, health and the green world requires special attention and always appropriate proposals.

The company's decades-long commitment to environmentally friendly cultivation and production enables it to respond effectively to a demand that, year by year, is becoming more and more conscious. Environmental protection, in the Monte Castello philosophy, is not only a necessity but a value and a duty to be pursued and handed down to new generations.
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Our forests

Our company was founded in a mountainous area where nature reigns supreme. There are approximately 80,000 square metres of forests on our farm, which represent an important resource for the environment and sustainability. Our forests are able to absorb an average of 40 tonnes of CO2 per year, contributing significantly to reducing the environmental impact of human activities.

We are aware of the importance of preserving our forests and have therefore taken measures to protect and preserve them.

More clean energy

One of the goals of our company is to preserve our ecosystem and to this end we try to take measures to reduce the environmental impact of human activities.

We have installed a photovoltaic system that allows us to produce clean, renewable energy. Our system allows us to avoid the emission of approximately 71 tonnes of CO2 each year.

Our commitment is to direct all of our energy consumption towards the use of renewable sources, thus avoiding the use of non-renewable energy sources such as oil or coal.

Research and Development

In the countryside, innovation and research are completely entrusted to the laws of nature and its millennial experience.

In order to achieve good sowing, we use in our farming practice the seed harvested the previous year, as, given its characteristics, it is the only one that allows us to obtain a fertile and abundant harvest.

Thanks to our long and skilful experience in agriculture, from year to year we are able to provide our company with more and more selected crops that are increasingly adapted to the peculiarities of the surrounding environment.

As a result, we have resistant crops, which do not require special cultivation interventions such as fertilisation, weed control and fungal treatments, and are able to give high quality productions.

What is more, the use of innovative machinery, such as the optical sorter, allows for an increasingly accurate and meticulous selection of raw materials.
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